What makes or breaks Christmas?
The cost of living has eased over the past year, but consumers are still under pressure. For business, planning is the key to managing Christmas…
The cost of living has eased over the past year, but consumers are still under pressure. For business, planning is the key to managing Christmas…
The ability for life insurers to discriminate based on adverse predictive genetic test results will be banned under a new Government proposal. Predictive genetic tests…
You login to your myGov account to find that your activity statements for the last 12 months have been amended and GST credits of $100k…
The Tax Commissioner has successfully argued that more than $1.6m deposited in a couple’s bank account was assessable income, not a gift or a loan…
Will 2024-25 be another year of volatility or a return to stability? Here’s what you can expect in the new financial year as a business…
The end of the financial year is fast approaching. Here are the areas at risk of increased ATO scrutiny and the opportunities to maximise your…
The ATO is cracking down on business owners who take money or use company resources for themselves. It’s common for business owners to utilise company…
The ATO has issued a warning to trustees of SMSFs about sloppy valuation practices. ATO data analysis has revealed that over 16,500 self-managed superannuation funds…
The Fringe Benefits Tax year (FBT) ends on 31 March. These are the problem areas likely to attract the ATO’s attention. Electric vehicles causing…
Your explainer on the planned FY2024 Stage 3 tax cuts, and what they mean for you. The personal income tax cuts legislated to commence on…
Don’t want to pay tax on Christmas? Here are our top tips to avoid giving the Australian Tax Office a bonus this festive season. Keep…
Workers are owed over $3.6 billion in superannuation guarantee according to the latest Australian Taxation Office estimates – a figure the Government and the regulators…
Electricity is the new black. Gas and other fossil fuels are out. A new, limited incentive nudges businesses towards energy efficiency. We show you how…
$1.7 billion paid out in fraudulent refunds, another $2.7bn in fraudulent claims stopped, around 56,000 alleged perpetrators and over 100 arrests to date. How did…
The NSW Government has announced a $1bn support package for struggling NSW small businesses. Acknowledging the difficulty that business operators have faced, the NSW Treasurer…
All directors of a company, registered Australian body, registered foreign company or Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander corporation will need a director ID. This includes…
The Australian Taxation Office recently updated its guidance on tax and cryptocurrency, so we’re here to update you.
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